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Are you asking if we will have the Radio Reference directory on our iOS app? If that is the case we will try to add it but might be hard do to some internal contracts.
Thanks for confirming! :)
Hey thanks for your feedback! We just got into iOS and the app is in the early development stages. I will look into it and see if we are able to add support for older iOS versions. I can't promise this will happen but at the least I will investigate.
:) I know still hard :/ But I will get the layout improved for larger screens soon! But hopefully soon as like couple months not years.
Hey guys, sorry this hasn't been completed yet. I manage, develop, and provide support for this app. It's just about a one man team. That is the main reason why some changes have been this slow. :( I haven't forgotten about this request just haven't had the time to get to it.
I'll look into it. Even though I really believe it isn't a solution to your issue I'll look and do some tests cause this might break the cache but might be ok.
Hey I just checked and it's working fine. I'm guessing it was down temporarily? Is it working for you at the moment? What error you see when no results show?
Currently we don't provide this feature. Recording is a feature we would like to provide in the near future.
I understand what you are saying but please know that if you had a 5 min pre-buffer you will have to wait just about 5 min before playback starts. That is a lot of time waiting for a radio to start playing... Another thing that is important to understand is that if you have that 5 min pre-buffer and you loose the connection for 2 min the re-connection would happen but you will loose 2 min of the live radio. You will than notice a big jump or a skip in playback. So you would avoid potentially having silence during those 2 min of bad connection but with a side effect of waiting 5 min before playback starts and a large 2min audio skip. Let me know if this helps. I'm always happy to try to explain and also to understand the needs of our users.