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Hi! Can you reproduce the issue and right away capture the logs of your phone?

To capture logs:
- Download "Log Collector" from the Android Market.
- Once you reproduce the issue open the Log Collector app
- The app will prepare an email. Send it to us at support@xiialive.com. Please place a title to the email so that we know it came from you...

We are actually working on our own streaming engine... We have a very talented developer working on a highly optimized streaming engine. Our ETC highly depends on the developer working on it. But from his status everything seems to be in great progress so possibly this month we will release beta version of the app... You can stay posted under our facebook or twitter account.
Thanks for your feedback! Yes, we definitely need this on our website. I'll get something out to the person in charge of the website.
Thanks again!
Android 2.2 now supports EQ. We hope to have this in the next 2-4 months ready since our schedule is tight as of now...
Hi Mateo! Well, I guess I should update this response! EQ is now possible with Android 2.2 I believe! So it shouldn't be as hard to get that working. When can you expect it? Well, we are busy working on a brand new streaming engine that should support a lot of different formats. Once we are over that part there are many new features on the list of TODO. I hope to have this in the next 2-4 months... If possible even sooner!
If you don't like XiiaLive to take control of the media cotnrols you can simply go to settings under XiiaLive and select "User experience" and turn off the "Media controls" This should resolve your issue.
Great question! Well Audiogalaxy, Pandora, 1.FM and other none live radio players can resume playback/streaming without interruption easily. Since live radio is continuous once you get disconnected to when you can connect back again you've lost part of the live broadcast. There is no way to go back and continue where it left off. The other apps have an actual file they are downloading, once this download is disconnected it can connect and continue the download exactly where it left off. This way you never notice a cut in playback. :)
Hello, most likely you have moved the application to the SD card. Once you do that the widget will not be visible. This is not a bug but a design flaw in Android OS.
Are you changing phones? or are you just changing SD card? If you are just changing SD card you don't need to backup the data. Please make sure you placed the backup file under the SD card root which is inside the sd card and not inside a folder.

Do you get an error when you restore it?