Tus comentarios
Hi Evildog,
I'm looking what is wrong on it. I will back soon with some answer.
Hi Ans,
we're working on this problem. I'll back soon with a solution.
Hi Evildog,
actually we've a cloud-sync alpha platform where we're planning to introduce this feature also.
Hi Lynn,
we're planning to support Android wear devices (including compatibility with MS Band) diectly on XiiaLive app for future releases.
Hi Evildog,
actually it's part of our to-fix list.
Hi Roberto,
I've tested those stations and there are working. Could you please check again?.
Could you also provide me more info about your device: android version, XiiaLive version?.
Hi Roberto,
I will take a look on it, I'll back soon with some answer.
Thanks Evildog this info is ussefull for us.
Servicio de atención al cliente por UserEcho
Hi Evildog,
We're moving to another much better platform for translations. You can use it and help us to translate XiiaLive.
This is the link: https://visualblasters.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/
Thanks a lot for your help! We really appreciate that.