Your comments
Hi Brady! Can you please provide us more details about this? Are you having any issues with the app? Thank you!
Hello Christopher! Apologies for any delay in our response. I have tried to access the 92.3 The Fan station and I do experience the same results. It could be that the station is blocking the apps access or they have no longer direct links available for streaming. We do apologize for any inconvenience. You may need to get in contact with the radio station and ask for direct links request them to unblock the station to access using Xiialive.
Hi! Glad to know everything is sorted out already! Thank you!
Hello! Apologies for any delay in our response. The iOS version of XiiaLive supports Airplay. Unfortunately it doesn't support the Android version.
Hello! Glad to know it's working now! Please don't hesitate to contact us again for any other inquiries! Thank you!
Hello! Apologies for any delay in our response. We do thank you for your suggestions. This is actually a nice feature to have and we would really love to provide this for tvs. We just didn't have time to design for tvs and hopefully in the near future we can add this kind of support. Thank you!
Hello! Apologies for any delay in our response. Can I please have you try to open Google Maps and acquire a location there. Once you have it try openning XiiaLive again to see if the location does find it. Kindly let us know how it goes. Thank you!
Hello! Radio reference is only available for Android. Hope this helps!
Hello! Can I please have you try and check if the active directory is set as Uberstation on your app. This could be one of the reasons why you can't locate your radio station.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello! Apologies for any delay in our response. I've tried both links and it works perfectly fine using the app and I didn't encounter any error messages. Can I please have you try to access the links again and let us know if you'll still have the same error. Thank you!