Where is the new Group by option? Also backup not working properly.
1) similar problem here in version In the previous version (probably) I could get my custom genres in the Favorites pane, because the current Genre was listed at the top, and tapping led up to the genre list, I obtained a list with (All, genre1, genre2, genre3).
2) I do not find the Group by option that is mentioned as New feature.
3) the new backup and restore does not work for me. However the old-style restore worked after that. Android 4.2.2.
At this state I cannot be happy with XiiaLive Pro, and can't go back to XiiaLive Pro because it was protected from backup.( Actually I was able to get the XiiaLive Pro apk and it installed and activated, and I would not prefer to do that)

Hey thanks for your feedback. Let me answer each of your questions.
1, 2. The order by option is located on the menu bar drawer. This will give you the ordering options back again.
3. How does the new backup and restore option not work for you? What steps are you doing and what error do you encounter? More details will help me understand how I could reproduce the issue.

1 now I have found the Group By option to the Favorite tab, but it was not on the image 1066030 (which applies to Shoutcast Top Hits). The hint to drawer is visible when the Favorite tab is orange. In addition, there is now group "ALL" missing as was present in version, and the substitute is a bit more complicate.
2. the menu bar drawers are only available in portrait mode, but not in tablet mode.
3. I did a backup as follows: I used Es File Manager to indicate the folder. It resulted an .xl file in that folder. Then I deleted two stations from the favorites. Then I opened file with extension .xl, from ES File Manager, choose "other" (i.e. not text, not audio, not video...), then I selected XiiaLive Pro to open. Then I heared the connect-failed-clicks, could read UNSUPPORTED MEDIA E-31, then could read "Max retries reached" (MAX. WIEDERHOLUNGEN ERREICHT, in german). The favorite stations were the same as before, with the two deleted stations still deleted and the others there.
3a) After that, just to try, I changed the extension from .xl to .xml, with the same result as in 3.
Android is Lenovo Lifetab E-7312, version 4.2.2 it reads.
PS in the german translation, SCAN is "Suchen", but should be "Suchlauf" (and it was not easy to find the word, as we just say "scan" usually).

Hey thanks for the feedback.
- The new organization method might be a little odd at first. It was ment to make things a bit easier.
- The app was never optimized for tablets unfortunately. We do want to do that just not enough time. Also, the menu bar drawer is only available on portrait as you've noticed.
- Perfect I can reproduce it. I'll fix this. We've tested this various ways and I can't believe this slipped :/

Glad that you have seen it.
re 2 it needs not to be optimized, I would be happy when it continues to work landscape-wise, maybe just in Classic dark if it matters. XiiaLive Pro worked perfectly landscape. Tablets need radio (perhaps as a reward for pointing out 3:-) .
I can't imagine it is too heavy to adapt to the new drawers, or revert.
(I am a programmer too, but Android-wise pre-school http://tutorials.jenkov.com/)

I justed installed XiiaLive Pro version and comment as follows:
re 2) in Landscape mode, Favorites should just have the "Group by Genre" view pinned and everyone will be happy. Now Favorites in Landscape happen to be "Group by none" and it is not selectable, because of missing drawer. That is: the missing drawer is fine, and the behaviour of Landscape favorites should be "Group by Genre". (Easy to program, and see below). The Landscape Group by Genre code was not lost and is obviously still present:
Easy Plus, that's easy for me to do: I go to Portrait mode, do the Group by.. Genre and the Sort by... selections and go back to Landscape mode, and have the desired behaviour .
re 2) there is more. In Favorites tab, the "Group by None" does the same as "Group by Genre ... All". The whole "Group by... " option is therefore unnecessary and can go away, pinned to "Group by... Genre". Remains the "Sort by...". Even easier, as it is just removing code about "Group by...." in the drawer, and having it pinned to "Group by Genre" for both Landscape and Portrait mode.
re 2) In "Group by...Genre" The "All" genre count is wrong. It now counts the number of genres, instead of the number of stations! Easy three..
re ) import of backup works. Thanks for repairing it.
new subpoint 4) When I rotate the device, the "All" genre gets lost, but it is recoverable.
That is
1: I see my genres, including "All",
2: I rotate the device and see my genres excluding "All",
3: I go into first genre and go back, and see my genres including "All".
subpoint 5) I wish "Settings"->"About" would tell the version of XiiaLive.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hey thanks for the feedback.