The player randomly stopped for no reason
Xiialive Pro starts to randomly stops the player for no reason. My internet connection is working fine and my device have enough RAM storage. No matter if the screen is on/off and how long it cached, it just randomly stop for no reason.
Please download my saved logs

i'm facting the same issue. i got "STOPPED", "SERVICE CRASHED" and "ERROR CODE BLABLA..." for no damn reason with screen on/off. how do you report bugs?

Help. Xiialive suddenly stopped playing for no reason when i let it play over 10 minutes. I have not pressed the stop button, it just stop. I'm using the beta version if Xiialive

the problem is you have set the cache buffer is 60 minutes and it uses 130 MB of RAM storage. Reduce it to temporary fix the problem. I have contacted the developer about that and they are making the buffer cache in internal memory

Yeah, i changed the cache buffer to 50 minutes and it solve the problem, but it has nothing to do with the RAM, because even i have 1 GB free RAM space and it only reached 5-15 minutes, it just stop for no reason

everything are default and FFMPEG is always enabled by default.... this problem still happen on both FREE and PRO.

Mine auto restart the player for no reason. My phone is connected to Wifi and my bandwidth is 60/60 Mbit
App: Xiialive Pro
Unlimited skips: ON
Ignore audio focus: ON
Buffer cache: 30 minutes
Everything else are default

That happen for me twice and my tablet is connected to LAN. Not Wi-fi. But it mostly stops

Tried 50 minutes buffer cache and it didn't happen for 4 days, but today it stops again, and i think the stopped bug is cased by the lock screen, because i lock/unlock the screen to often. The lock screen is turned off which means no lock

I have asked my tablet manufacturers about the firmware and i got it. I flashed the firmware which means it wipe everything and reinstall the firmware into my tablet TAC-70111. I only installed Xiialile, let it run for hours with screen on and it just STOPPED. I let it played again, and keep an eye on it. When it stop, i see PLAYING then STOPPED. I don't see STOPPING.
On my phone Z3 Compact. Sometime Xiialive STOPPED instantly when i lock the screen.
The developer asked me if my device was rooted. No it was not, and then the developer ignored me. It have nothing to do with root.
I have used an alternative Radio player named Tunein for 2 and a 1/2 year and i NEVER got a problem like this. It always play very smooth without buffering, without stops.
Come on developer. check my logs and have this bug right now instead asking me stupid questions, such as rooted device!

Update 29 december 2015: when i plugin my headphone jack and i open the screen at the same time, i saw Xiialive restarts the player at the same excat time and i saw the timer was 00:00:00.
So i think the bug is caused by lock screen? I'm not sure.
@Jens is this happen to you?

yes, Xiialive stops when you lock the screen so we can confirm that it is lock screen issue. I contacted the developer about that but they can't help so i uninstalled Xiialive for good. i will never go back to it anymore!

they are like drunk or something. i have been told to change streamer and ignore me. i finally created a bug after it stopped when locking a screen and reported this issue to the developer

ok, lol. I used Screen Backlight OFF app to prevent this bug and i haven't got any problems so far. i will try ask developer to fix the problem again


I hope this problem will get fixed asap so i don't need the Screen Backlight OFF anymore

Hey guys I want to summarize or hopefully get some definite details about the issue. Each detail is important as it provides a hint to the main cause and a direction for us to reproduce the issue. Sorry for the long list! :P
Please provide an answer to the following questions:
- Are you starting playback from a home screen station shortcut?
- When you press any button from the lock screen player playback stops?
- Opening XiiaLive, going into favorites, and playing a station. After that turning OFF the screen playback stops?
- Turning the screen OFF always causes playback to stop? After how long?
- What device do you have? What Android version does it have?
- Are you connected to WiFi when this issue happens?
- Do you have any Bluetooth devices paired with your device when the issue happens?
- Do you have headphones plugged when this issue happens?
- Do you have any phone optimizer app running? Virus protection app or other?

- Are you starting playback from a home screen station shortcut? Yes
- When you press any button from the lock screen player playback stops? Sometimes but it is random. After open the screen and lock the screen again, 30 seconds later, the player began to stop.
- Opening XiiaLive, going into favorites, and playing a station. After that turning OFF the screen playback stops? Sometimes but it is random
- Turning the screen OFF always causes playback to stop? After how long? Not always. around 5 hours, but the player still stop even in 5 minutes cache!
- What device do you have? What Android version does it have? Android 4.2.2. This problem happen on emulators running Android 4.4.4, too!
- Are you connected to WiFi when this issue happens? Yes
- Do you have any Bluetooth devices paired with your device when the issue happens? No, what is Bluetooth?
- Do you have headphones plugged when this issue happens? Yes/No
- Do you have any phone optimizer app running? Virus protection app or other? No. Antivirus is not necessary

Hey, sorry took this long for a response. I'm putting together some detailed notes about this issue to hopefully figure it out :/.
What device do you have? I don't think you mentioned that. Also, you are saying the problem also happens with emulators. What emulator are you using? Can you provide detailed info on that? This could actually be good for testing here... :)

i had got this bug on emulators too but it was been fixed after release and up

- Are you starting playback from a home screen station shortcut? I have Xiialive shortcut on my launcher and i go to Favorits and select a station
- When you press any button from the lock screen player playback stops? As other peoples said, it's randomly happen, but it is happen when you let Xiialive stream for too long time like 24 hours
- Opening XiiaLive, going into favorites, and playing a station. After that turning OFF the screen playback stops? As other peoples said, it's randomly happen
- Turning the screen OFF always causes playback to stop? After how long? Instantly
- What device do you have? What Android version does it have? I have Samsung Galaxy s6 running latest Lollipop 5.1.1, non-rooted, KNOX security
- Are you connected to WiFi when this issue happens? 3G, H+, 4G and Wi-Fi
- Do you have any Bluetooth devices paired with your device when the issue happens? No, not at all. Bluetooth can disturb Wi-Fi transmitter on some devices, of course
- Do you have headphones plugged when this issue happens? Yes and no
- Do you have any phone optimizer app running? Virus protection app or other? No, since my phone has KNOX security

Thanks for the info. I believe that in your case this issue should be resolved or at least improved with the latest release We fixed some big issues causing playback to stop do to various reasons. Are you still having issues?

- Are you starting playback from a home screen station shortcut?:: I started playback from my favorits
- When you press any button from the lock screen player playback stops?:: Yes, sometimes it stops. mostly happen with stations which is using MP3 format
- Opening XiiaLive, going into favorites, and playing a station. After that turning OFF the screen playback stops?:: No, not always. It's randomly
- Turning the screen OFF always causes playback to stop? After how long?:: For low-end devices with 512 MB, it took 10-60 seconds to stop. For higher-end devices, it took 0.000 seconds to stop
- What device do you have? What Android version does it have?:: Android 4.0.4, 4.1.1, 4.2.2, 4.4.4, 5.1.1
- Are you connected to WiFi when this issue happens?:: Yes as always. No matter which type connection, it still happen
- Do you have any Bluetooth devices paired with your device when the issue happens?:: No and never
- Do you have headphones plugged when this issue happens?:: Yes
- Do you have any phone optimizer app running? Virus protection app or other?:: No, i never use any of them. i only have Xiialive installed on some of my tablets
Steps to reproduce: Play a station named I love 2 dance or 103 Radio, and let it stream for 24 hours. Then try to lock / unlock screen many times.

Stopping issue still presist on Xiialive I have found this log
Process com.android.DroidLivePlayer:RemoteMediaService (pid 1580) has died.
in logcat which means the Player has stopped.
03-15 17:03:09.156 W/AudioService( 480): AudioFocus audio focus client died 03-15 17:03:09.156 I/AudioService( 480): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus(): removing entry for android.media.AudioManager@41c73060com.vblast.xiialive.service.MediaService@41c86828 03-15 17:03:09.176 V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 87): stopOutput() output 2, stream 3, session 8 03-15 17:03:09.176 V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 87): changeRefCount() stream 3, count 0 03-15 17:03:09.176 V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 87): getNewDevice() selected device 0 03-15 17:03:09.176 V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 87): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 190 03-15 17:03:09.176 V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 87): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 03-15 17:03:09.176 V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 87): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 03-15 17:03:09.176 V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 87): releaseOutput() 2 03-15 17:03:09.216 D/dalvikvm( 740): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 3% free 35647K/36564K, paused 56ms, total 56ms 03-15 17:03:09.226 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): Client(1) destructor pid = 1580 03-15 17:03:09.226 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): disconnect(1) from pid 1580 03-15 17:03:09.296 D/dalvikvm( 740): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 3% free 36622K/37544K, paused 72ms, total 72ms 03-15 17:03:09.336 V/AudioSink( 87): close 03-15 17:03:09.336 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): Client(2) destructor pid = 1580 03-15 17:03:09.336 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): disconnect(2) from pid 1580 03-15 17:03:09.336 I/ActivityManager( 480): Start proc com.google.android.gms.persistent for service com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService: pid=6272 uid=10008 gids={50008, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 1006, 3002, 3001, 2001, 3006} 03-15 17:03:09.336 I/ActivityManager( 480): Process com.android.DroidLivePlayer:RemoteMediaService (pid 1580) has died. 03-15 17:03:09.336 W/ActivityManager( 480): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.DroidLivePlayer/com.vblast.xiialive.service.MediaService in 79431ms 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/AudioSink( 87): close 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): Client(3) destructor pid = 1580 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): disconnect(3) from pid 1580 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/AudioSink( 87): close 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): Client(4) destructor pid = 1580 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): disconnect(4) from pid 1580 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/AudioSink( 87): close 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): Client(5) destructor pid = 1580 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): disconnect(5) from pid 1580 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/AudioSink( 87): close 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): Client(6) destructor pid = 1580 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/MediaPlayerService( 87): disconnect(6) from pid 1580 03-15 17:03:09.346 V/AudioSink( 87): close

This is a common problem when your device do not have enough RAM but the problem still happen even there is 800 MB free RAM

Thanks for the logs. The first line you show is where things end. This is seen on some of your logs and also some other users reporting similar issues. What we found so far is that the OS is killing our media service process for some reason. For now it seems something to do with OS memory management.
On update v3.3.1.5 we fixed a bug keeping the media service from getting set as a foreground service. This might solve this issue but most likely not. If not at least we are one step closer.
I know this was possibly already mentioned, one thing everyone has in common here is that a large cache size of 60 minutes is being used. Can you try 5 minutes see if this issue still happening?

I already tried it but it still happen. When it reached 3-10 minutes and lock the screen, it stops instantly, and i can't reproduce the bug again because the bug is random
I have noticed that there is memory leaks on Xiialive, up to 150 MB. The leaks still remain even i stopped the player and close it. I disabled all bloatwares, uninstall all useless apps and uninstalled cleaner and task killer apps. My device got 1,1 GB free RAM space. But the stopped problem still persist
So i can also confirm it has something to do with OS memory management.
Please check out this thread to see if you can find out what bug is caused.

Hey, we had some other user reporting similar issue with same device TAC-70111 and after update v3.3.1.6 they reported this issue as resolved. However, if you are still having issues than there is something else going on here.
You seem very tech savvy so maybe you can provide us with more detailed logs? I'm guessing that some important crash info is being omitted from our bug report logs. Are you able to capture logs with your computer using ADB right after you reproduce the playback stop issue? If you can provide the entire log it will help hopefully!

sorry, i posted it on wrong topic. i was going to post it on a topic about random player restart. i used Xiialive and don't have this issue in a month

Various changes went in v3.3.1.6 with fixes for playback stopping randomly. At the moment this issue has been resolved. Any further issues resolving random playback stop let's start a new post this one will be locked.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Various changes went in v3.3.1.6 with fixes for playback stopping randomly. At the moment this issue has been resolved. Any further issues resolving random playback stop let's start a new post this one will be locked.