
How to disable the notification sounds?

Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago updated 11 years ago 2


To disable the notifications sounds follow the given steps below.

XiiaLive v3

  1. Go to; XiiaLive -> Setting -> Sounds.
  2. Under Notifications lower the volume to 0 for Volume and Recover volume.

XiiaLive v2.x.x

  1. Go to; XiiaLive -> Settings -> User experience.
  2. Click on Notification sounds [select] button.
  3. Select Disabled.
To disable the notifications sounds follow the given steps below.

XiiaLive v3

  1. Go to; XiiaLive -> Setting -> Sounds.
  2. Under Notifications lower the volume to 0 for Volume and Recover volume.

XiiaLive v2.x.x

  1. Go to; XiiaLive -> Settings -> User experience.
  2. Click on Notification sounds [select] button.
  3. Select Disabled.
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