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Just search for bubba on the app... You should be able to find it...
No plans yet! But hopefully sometime this year! :)
Are you having issues finding the app on the Android Market? Or are you not able to stream stations anymore? If unable to stream station could you try MPEG and AAC format stations?
This is a flash embedded radio station that can't be streamed by other than the flash movie created by that station... You could potentially ask the radio station for a url to stream the station via your phone.
Well, your link helped me find other bugs in the streaming engine. Those bugs weren't the cause of the issue you are having. It might have to do with the cellphone internet... I will try to investigate more and see if I can somehow compensate with the bursty connection to this station...
Oops! Sorry, I actually should have added how to get the error logs! Please download free app from the Android Market called "Log Collector" once you reproduce the issue run that app immediately. The app will collect the phone logs and prepare an email. Please send that email to us :)

Thanks! and again sorry not explaining how to get the logs!
ok! Yeah did notice it's slow on the DROID phone... other phones this is not an issue... I'll try to figure out if I can do anything to make it better :)
Sweet! Thanks so much for the feedback! Hopefully the app get's even better as you use it and we update it! :)
Thanks for the info! Please send us error logs after reproducing the issue so that we can try to determine the issue. Thanks!
Seems to be an issue with streaming AAC content only. If you can send error logs to our support email could greatly help! support@xiialive.com
