Twoje komentarze

Thanks for your feedback! This is a great feature and it's already in our plans :)
All Android devices running OS version 1.5 and higher are supported.
What phone do you have and what version of Android is it running? Some stations with low bitrate such as 24 or 32 sometimes have issues such as long delays between data transmissions leading to a timeout which turn to be a connection drop. A higher buffer length will not help in regards to a connection loss. Once it's lost the stream needs to connect again and start streaming.

It would be great if you can post the url you are having issues so that I can further determine what the cause could be. I would also try playing that stream on your computer and see if it drops there too...

Something very important to understand is that we use the SHOUTcast online radio directory services. We can't add or modify the content of this directory.

1. You can check if station X is on the directory by going to and doing a search there. If you can find it than you bet you'll find it under XiiaLive.

2. No, Please see the explanation above.

3. You can easily add your own radio station to the SHOUTcast directory using the following tools.

4. Some particular stations go offline do to a few typical reasons. One, they are pirated station and sometimes are taken down but they usually return after few hours or days. Two, they are simple down for maintanance and might come back up soon. Most the time you can count on the station returning.
Thanks for your feedback. Does this happen with all AAC streams? I might have to get back to you about this issue once I start investigating... There wasn't much changed under the actual streaming side of things but if it was working better on 2.1.5 than most likely we will fix it! :)
I'm happy to let you know that we are actively developing this area... We hope to have this available very soon. 1-2months...
Are you looking to control streaming via the headset controls but have the audio coming out of the phones speakers? Please let me know, I'm interested to understand why you would like this feature.