Ваші коментарі

Sweet! Thanks so much for the feedback! Hopefully the app get's even better as you use it and we update it! :)
Usually when you are on this state is cause you need to restart your phone and try again... It should work than... :)
We will be expanding this are a lot more after this upcoming update v2.1.6. Definitely better filtering options! :)
Thanks for confirming this! I'm right now waiting for the phone to arrive so that I can investigate with an actual device and get it working properly! :)
Thanks Chris for your feedback! We really appreciate it! Please let us know any ideas or issues you might have! We take our users comments and ideas seriously and try to help explaining things along the way. :)
Yes we are currently investigating the issue... There is no reason why XiiaLive should not run on HTC Wildfire.
What phone do you have and what version of Android is it running?
This actually seems to make sense... I think the Android Market is filtering the apps with no support for small screens... I'm gonna investigate see if we have anything wrong on our end.
The reason we don't have an exit button is because once you stop the music everything is shutdown and nothing is working on the background. When you take a look at running services you will see that it is not running. However if you look at the running processes you will see XiiaLive. Because you see a process it doesn't mean is running. Android keeps these processes in memory just in case the process needs to run right away, making things load up faster. If more memory is needed Android kills these hanging processes right away!

What are you essentially expecting the exit button to do for you? I have had various requests for an exit button and would like to hear your opinion.

The easiest way to start your own online radio station would be to use the free SHOUTcast broadcasting tools:

Check them out! :)