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Have the bug reports I've submitted given you any clues?
Hi Jona,

Thanks for the reply.

Before I get to the error logs you requested, I'd like to make a request of my own.  That is that you make the seekbar change color as an indication of streaming from WiFi or from the Mobile network.  I would really appreciate an at-a-glance indication that that I'm not on WiFi - something really in-your-face rather than that tiny little WiFi icon in the status bar.  I cannot tell you the number of times I've forgotten to turn WiFi back on after being in the car or away from my WiFi.  In most cases, it's no big deal, but with streaming media, the potential to accidentially consume way too much of your monthly allotment early in the month is really frustrating.  Maybe I should just use Tasker to change my background whenever I'm off my WiFi,.  Not sure, but it can probably do that.  But for those who don't have a clue, nor the inclination to learn how to do that, an obvious in-app indication would go a long way toward saving a lot of peoples' bandwidth (and make you even more of a hero! :) )

Okay, back to the matter at hand...

Today I had one of my fail to connect problems.  As you requested, I captured 3 bug reports for you.  They are as follows:

The first was created as XiiaLive was actively attempting, and failing to connect to the Girls Rock Radio stream.

Immediately after creating the first bug report, and while XiiaLive was still actively attempting to connect, I turned WiFi off.  XiiaLive immediately connected via the Mobile network, and began streaming audio.  I generated this bugreport at that time.

Once the stream was connected and playing over the Mobile network, I re-enabled WiFi, then generated this final bugreport.

I have no idea if there is any overlap between these files.  But regardless, I hope they can give you a clue as to why I'm unable to connect when there is a valid WiFi connection available without cycling the connection for XiiaLive.

One further note:  I have a Roku 3 in my house.  Little did I know when I bought it that it creates its own 2.4GHz WiFi access point.  Not only that, but it creates it on the exact same channel as the WiFi network it is otherwise connected to.  It creates this access point because its own remote control communicates with it via WiFi rather than IR or RF.  There is no way to change its WiFi channel.  Stupid if you ask me.  Because it acts as a huge interference source, I have told all devices that are able, my HTC One included, to use the 5GHz WiFi network instead of 2.4GHz.  This does not seem to pose any operational hardship on the HTC One, but I thought I would mention it as it is perhaps not the typical configuration.  There is no congestion on the 5GHz band in my area.
Anybody reading these?