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the support team already told me that. i added it and now it works

i found it. it looks like your device is running Android 6.0 and the OS is preventing from access your location, so the developer must add the new permission for Android 6.0.

To developer: please read this post about location permission on Android 6.0:

Here is the logcat:

03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): java.lang.SecurityException: "passive" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.Parcel.readException(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.Parcel.readException(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.location.ILocationManager$Stub$Proxy.getLastLocation(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.location.LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.g.e(SourceFile:177)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.g.d(SourceFile:75)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.uberstations.b.onPreExecute(SourceFile:240)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.uberstations.b.a(SourceFile:226)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.uberstations.DirService.a(SourceFile:123)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.AbstractDirService.onStartCommand(SourceFile:85)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at$2400(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at$H.handleMessage(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at$
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): java.lang.SecurityException: "gps" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.Parcel.readException(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.Parcel.readException(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.location.ILocationManager$Stub$Proxy.getLastLocation(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.location.LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.g.e(SourceFile:177)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.g.d(SourceFile:75)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.uberstations.b.onPreExecute(SourceFile:240)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.uberstations.b.a(SourceFile:226)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.uberstations.DirService.a(SourceFile:123)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at com.vblast.dir.AbstractDirService.onStartCommand(SourceFile:85)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at$2400(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at$H.handleMessage(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at$
03-30 09:43:53.129 W/System.err( 6958): at

i have contacted "I love Dance" and they said they are broadcasting on Icecast instead SHOUTcast. Icecast is also open source so can your developer add it?

There is another way to report bug. Reproduce the bug and open the settings and click "Bug report"

Can i get any infomation about this quick?

sounds like your phone does not have adb. On your phone, go to settings -> Developer settings and enable USB debugging and connect your phone to your PC. get the adb for Windows from the internet. open CMD, 'cd' to the location where the adb is located and input "adb logcat > C:/xiialivebug"

This bug still present In Xiialive

28 March 2016

is your device rooted?

ok. have you turned on network geolocation? that might help Xiialive looking for your location

If not, collect the log. You can install Terminal app, input "adb logcat > /sdcard/xiialivebug" and reproduce the bug twice. after that, close the terminal app, and upload the file "xiialivebug" here so I and developers can take a look

Maybe the local station only avaliable for US?