
Can't start Favorites from homescreen shortcuts, followed by not able to start any stream from inside app either

Bobo 12 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago 1

I start with pasting a previous post, because it seems my reply get in the post. 

From another user's post: """"I have XiiaLive Pro. 

I have a bunch of favorites saved, and I'd like to make shortcuts to them on my home screen. I know to make these shortcuts, but the problem is that when I use them, XiiaLive Pro fails to connect to them. The problem is not with the station, however, because I can select the exact same favorite from the player itself and the station will load.

The problem is only when starting playback using shortcuts from the home screen."""""""" 

""""""My post"""""""

I got the exact same problem when updating to the latest version from v.2. 

After installing version 3 I made fresh shortcuts to my old favorite stations, since trying to use the old ones gives the message "Application is not installed on your phone". 

But the fresh shortcuts doesn't start the stream... I click the shortcut, the app opens in the Player window, it very fast says Connecting, then Fail to connect, then Unexpected stop... it all happens in just one second a few times... then it says "Max retries reached" and nothing more. 

But still it works perfectly to start the same favorite station from the Favorite tab inside the app. 

...Hm I've been fighting this problem about 3 days now and tried it maybe 50 times, without writing a post here since I didn't get any response on my last question... the funny thing is when trying it while writing this post Xiia got totally stuck, it didn't matter if I pressed a shortcut or a favorite station / one of the Top Channels inside the app, it got stuck on Unexpeced Stop (when this happens the Player window says "Unknow" "Unknown song". And when sliding the station info in Player window to open the playlist or what it's called, it says "1. audio/mpeg) even though I clicked the shortcut. 

I then cleared the data in the android settings, and added a fresh favorite... but no luck, it now again is impossible to start playing from the home screen shortcut but works perfectly when started from Favorites inside the app. 

PLEASE give this problem some attention, I've bought and used Xiia for a very long time without any problems, and in the last weeks it's become unusable over night, and I use this app many hours every day :(



Well this has been an issue previously and we have fixed various issues with this. I apologize for no providing the best customer support experience. We are working now to improve that a bit. Please let me know if this issue is still present and if it is then I'll dive in to resolve this.

By the way my phone is Samsung S2 with android 4.0.4. And this happened both on WIFI and 3G/HSPA+.


Well this has been an issue previously and we have fixed various issues with this. I apologize for no providing the best customer support experience. We are working now to improve that a bit. Please let me know if this issue is still present and if it is then I'll dive in to resolve this.