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Currently you can't but we have plans to be able to do just that! Thanks for your idea! :)
I have tried the link but it just doesn't work even on my computer. Could you verify the link and also let me know the phone model and version of android is running? Thanks!

Update: Issue uncovered issue on the code and has been fixed. However the link does cut out by it's own. This happens with other player even on the PC.
I found the area where the issue seems to be happening... But its not that obvious... It might take a little digging on my part to figure it out.
Thanks for the link! I was able to find a bug on the streaming manager of the app... But the station is really bad... It cuts off a lot of times even on winamp or any other streaming app on the PC. Did you experience same issues with this station?
Thanks! I'll take a look and see if I can find the issue...
We are removing the permission fine location. GPS usage should be gone :)
Thanks for the extra details. I think I could pin point the issue if you capture the logs and email them to me at support@xiialive.com. To capture the logs just download the free app from the Android Market called "Log Collector" Once you reproduce the issue right away open this app. It will prepare an email... just send that to me. Thanks for your help!
Waiting on update from user.
Could you email us the error logs when this happens? It should help us determine the cause a lot faster! :) I assume you are using the latest version of the app... XiiaLive 2.1.4

Capture the logs:
1. Download "Log Collector" from the Android market.
2. Reproduce the issue
3. Open Log Collector. It will capture the last logs with the errors and prepare an email.
4. send the email to support@xiialive.com
I checked AOR and they can't play any of the urls of ogg streams I have...

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