
Please include OGG streaming

Anonymous 15 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 24
Please include OGG streaming



XiiaLive v2.2.4 now officially supports OGG.  Any previous issues reported have been resolved.

OGG Streaming should be no Problem on Android. A Online Radio supports OGG Streaming as well.
I checked AOR and they can't play any of the urls of ogg streams I have...
Yes, please add ogg streaming.
v2.1.6 is out and still no OGG streaming. Any ETA on this? I was hoping!
We are working to add support for a lot of formats and part of those are OGG. The current support for OGG wasn't ready for release so it had to be excluded. Hopefully next update I have this feature. Possibly towards end of Feb.
Have 2.1.8 now.  Works great. The OGG streaming works but has audible artifacts in the form of a "swish" sound that varies with the audio content volume level.  But anyway can see it's moving along.  Thanks!
The "swishing" type artifact is heard for me at http://audio-ogg.ibiblio.org:8000/wcpe.ogg.m3u.  DroidX phone w/Android 2.2.1 OS (stock).  Haven't listened for longer periods to see if there are other issues.  Not a criticism but just an observation.
Thanks for the feedback! Yes... there is some type of chipmunk repeating few frames of the audio...
are you working on it? this was reported 6 months ago
I'm currently investigating so that I can have all the information so that the person in charge of the internal stream engine can look into it.  We are working on a new update and this issue will be taken care after our new update.
Thank you!  Seems to work for me too.  I haven't noticed any artifacts, but I haven't tested everything yet.  I appreciate the work put into this.
It does seem that when the track changes it loses connection and doesn't reconnect.

Stream I'm using that does that can reproduce this is http://ormgas.dracoirs.com:8000/ocremix.ogg

I do understand that this is not an official feature.  This is just an observation.

perfect! thanks for the feedback! I can reproduce the issue too... This should help once we start diving deeper into ogg. 
Are there any updates on the disconnect when songs change bug? =) 
I wanted to come back and mention that the ogg streams I have been using work very well now.  The connection issue for track changes has been fixed.  Thank you for getting this feature implemented and working!
Thanks for letting us know.  I totally missed this post and forgot to update it! :)

XiiaLive v2.2.4 now officially supports OGG.  Any previous issues reported have been resolved.

Having an issue with an OGG stream I'm using. Link is at http://www.kafuka.org:8000/stream.ogg and to see a playlist of what's to be expected, visit http://acmlm.kafuka.org/radio

The problem seems to be that the stream, after the station advances a track, distorts like crazy. I am running Android 2.2 on a Samsung Droid Charge. Works fine with any version of foobar2k on the PC.
mm... I just tested  your link on a few phones but I'm not getting the issue you are describing...  I'll continue to listen see if I can hear it...  Does it happen always?
Yeah, it happens after every song. When it happens, I stop the stream and then restart it and it works fine. I don't have any other phones to test it with. I downloaded this app last night, so I'm running the latest version as of 10/21/11. (Lite version. Will consider purchasing if I find that this will work for listening to this station)

I do the same thing but doing that every 3 minutes or so its not very pratical :)
I have the same problem and it's very annoying, it also hurts listening to that sound!
I opened a new bug feedback minutes ago, I didn't know it was already reported.
Congrats on ogg streaming. Its the only player who allows direct access to the streaming url.