
ffmpeg streaming engine efficiency

Matthew Osborne 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago 1

Just wanted to congratulate you on the XiiaLIve 3.0.0 release... its has significantly improved the usability and performance of the application, especially when listening to AAC+ streams.  However I do have a question... I know the ffmpeg streaming engine is still very new (may even be beta status yet), but are there any plans to improve its efficiency?  Right now, if I try to use it on an eaac+ stream it pegs the CPU on my phone (100%), causing jittery audio and slowing everything on the phone down big time.  My phone is an LG Optimus V...



We are almost ready to release the latest stream engine. It should be a lot more optimized and will have some newer features. The release will be announced on our social media accounts.

Hi Matthew,

Thanks so much for your feedback on our update :) It's has been a lot of work! 

Yes! We have big plans to try to improve it and finally make it our default engine! My plans are to include the usage of hardware decoders to decode when available. That should be a huge performance and battery usage booster! 

How are you measuring the CPU usage right now? Slower less powerful devices sometimes suffer with streaming since its an intensive usage of resources... Radio, CPU, memory... :P  However I believe there is a lot of room for improving this.


We are almost ready to release the latest stream engine. It should be a lot more optimized and will have some newer features. The release will be announced on our social media accounts.