Under review

Desire HD LeeDroid 2.3.3 (latest) Bug

info-180 14 year бұрын updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 14 year бұрын 0
after the newest Update from Xiialive it donend worke anymore for my on my Desire HD with Android 2.3.3
I open it and its fine i add a stream and klick play:"bam Xiialive force close" I have deinstalled the old version befor and remove Data from App.
Also i have set in Settings not to reakt on the Play Buttons from the bloototh Headset but when i click play on the headset my standart Player Poweramp pro dose not start only thing i get was the "xiialive force close massege".

I hope this help you to get that problem fixed in all Versions befor evryting works fin. RESPECT for the great app!!!



Under review

Thanks for your feedback!  I really like to resolve this issue.  Lets start with the force close issue.  Please reproduce this issue and right away collect the error logs.  Here is how you collect the error logs, it's very easy:

Update 06/13/11:

Update v2.2.0 is out. Please let me know if the issue occurs with this latest update.

Under review

Thanks for your feedback!  I really like to resolve this issue.  Lets start with the force close issue.  Please reproduce this issue and right away collect the error logs.  Here is how you collect the error logs, it's very easy:

Update 06/13/11:

Update v2.2.0 is out. Please let me know if the issue occurs with this latest update.