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Not able to stream any channels on the new Samsung Transform

Anonym vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 14 Jahren 0
Have the new Samsung Transform, and not able to stream and channels. Select channels of various bandwidths same issue: Conecting - Buffering - Connection Dropped, recurring cycle to then time out. Note: Will pull up station info, but not able to stream music ??


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Thanks for informing us of this issue. Could you capture the logs from your phone when this issue happens? To capture the logs you would need to download "Log Collector" from the android market/ After reproducing the issue run the log collector app and it will prepare an email for you to send to us. Thanks for your help!
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Thanks for informing us of this issue. Could you capture the logs from your phone when this issue happens? To capture the logs you would need to download "Log Collector" from the android market/ After reproducing the issue run the log collector app and it will prepare an email for you to send to us. Thanks for your help!