
Pocket Change missing in XiiaLive Pro

Willie cox III 12 year бұрын updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 year бұрын 6
I upgraded to the pro xiia and now my pocket change is missing



Sorry to inform you that we have tried countless times to contact PocketChange about rewards issues and have learned that they are no longer in business. We will be removing PocketChange support completely from the app. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Under review

We haven't added PocketChange to Pro version. It might be added in the near future.

Thank you for the response. Please consider adding it. I love the app and decided to upgrade to support the developer but now I've lost my pocket change capabilities.:-(

Thanks for your feedback. That is what generally drives us to make changes. We haven't yet decided to include it but if we did it would most likely be automatically disabled to avoid any users from complaining about "PocketChange".

I apologize if it seems like I'm just a user complaining about pocket change. I was just curious as to why it was missing. I still have the previous version of xiia on my other phone.

Oh, no! Please, no reason to apologize! I meant users that have no idea what PocketChange is complain thinking it is spam or something like that. I really appreciate your feedback and definitively we are taking it into consideration. 

Ok, I understand what you are referring. Have it disabled by default and the user would have to manually enable it. That isn't a bad idea. I also used to think it was spam since it just showed up out of no where one day. I appreciate the clarification. 
I agree with willie, I went pro and lost a lot of change. I listen to xiaa for hours a day and I don't need rewarding for that,but the bonus is nice. Good job.

Sorry to inform you that we have tried countless times to contact PocketChange about rewards issues and have learned that they are no longer in business. We will be removing PocketChange support completely from the app. Sorry for the inconvenience.