
Bug with Last.FM scrobbling

Alberto Flaño Lombardo 12 year бұрын updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 year бұрын 0


since the last Version I noticed a bug with Last.FM scrobbling. When I listen to music it shows up the Last.FM App scrobbling Icon but the scrobbling history of my Last.FM profile is not up to date. It only tracks the music i listened from my pc but not the music i listened on my HTC with XiiaLive.

What I noticed: My Last.FM profile shows up the current song that XiiaLive is playing, but the history of the last played songs is never updated with XiiaLive scrobbles.

I don´t know if this is a Last.FM bug or a bug from XiiaLive.

Thanks for your good App btw.



Took a bit long to get to your post. However, this issue as you might have noticed has been fixed on release v3.0.1.1.


Took a bit long to get to your post. However, this issue as you might have noticed has been fixed on release v3.0.1.1.