
Player stops after 2 seconds of play time

Raiu Breaks 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jona (Lead Developer) 12 aastat tagasi 0

I am using my samsung galaxy note 2 ATT This issue happens if I am on cell data or Wifi. The player will stop after about 20 seconds of playtime
(Varries some times) and re-buffer and play fine the rest of the time the app is on. It will do this every time the app is restarted or user presses stop then play. Again after the initial instance the player will play like normal. Full signal/bars is reported by phone as well. 

Station I am tuning into is:


Stream Settings:

Retries : on

Data guard: off

Playlist preload: off

Smart Recovery: on


Metadata: on

Stream Engine: Droid

Cache : 1 min

Prebuffer 1000ms

buffer length 40000 (I had to set it this high to drive across town and it not drop the station when switching towers)

connect time out: 5000ms 

read time out: 5000ms



Hey sorry for the delayed reply! I would recommend you take the prebuffer to something higher. more like 15,000ms since this is the initial amount of audio it's gonna buffer before starting playback. Right now it is too low and will cause the player to go into buffering for a long while since you have set buffer length to 40,000 ms.

Please read the following post to understand a bit more about the buffer settings:



Hey sorry for the delayed reply! I would recommend you take the prebuffer to something higher. more like 15,000ms since this is the initial amount of audio it's gonna buffer before starting playback. Right now it is too low and will cause the player to go into buffering for a long while since you have set buffer length to 40,000 ms.

Please read the following post to understand a bit more about the buffer settings:
