Not a bug

Licensing Check Failing

Gabe Anguiano fa 12 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 12 anys 1

I purchased the pro version to enable retries because my tablet's wifi isn't connected while sleeping.  I have an alarm that wakes the device and 2 minutes later the xiaa radio alarm kicks in however I'm continuing to get some sort of licensing validation failure.  For an application that I purchased I am unhappy that the app thinks that it isn't license.  How can I correct this?


Not a bug

Once in a while the Google Play Market doesn't report the purchase properly.  I would recommend you do the following.

1. Backup XiiaLive data via the app Settings.

2. Go to Android->Settings->Applications and click on XiiaLive.

3. Clear data. (This will remove all data inside XiiaLive)

4. Open XiiaLive go to settings and restore from your backup.

Not a bug

Once in a while the Google Play Market doesn't report the purchase properly.  I would recommend you do the following.

1. Backup XiiaLive data via the app Settings.

2. Go to Android->Settings->Applications and click on XiiaLive.

3. Clear data. (This will remove all data inside XiiaLive)

4. Open XiiaLive go to settings and restore from your backup.

Thanks, I'm giving this a try