
"Play" button on BT device

Ivan Makarenkov fa 11 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 11 anys 1

Dear support,

When I connect BT device, and then press play on BT device, android starts default music player.

If i run XiiaLive in advance, and press play on BT device, it play my favorite station.

Question is:

How to start XiiaLive, instead of default Music Player, when I press play on BT device?

P.S. I know about autoplay option, when BT is connected, but it's not the same

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Android 4.1.1

BT Device: Mitsubishi Multi Communication System

Thanks in advance,

Always Yours, Ivan.



XiiaLive by default is not the main media control handler on Android. In order to make XiiaLive the default media control handler you must enable that option.  


Here is how to make XiiaLive the default handler for all incoming media controls:

1. Go to XiiaLive Settings.

2. Go into App controls.

3. Set Media control to ON.

Satisfaction mark by Ivan Makarenkov fa 6 anys

XiiaLive by default is not the main media control handler on Android. In order to make XiiaLive the default media control handler you must enable that option.  


Here is how to make XiiaLive the default handler for all incoming media controls:

1. Go to XiiaLive Settings.

2. Go into App controls.

3. Set Media control to ON.


Thank You, Jona!

That's what exactly I need!

Xiialive is a great app!