
Screen resolution for Samsung Tablet

Anonim 14 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jona (Lead Developer) 13 lat temu 5
The actual version does not use the full screen


We currently don't have the screen resolution support on the latest version of xiialive. On the next update we will put a temporary fix for allowing the app to go fullscreen. We like to provide a layout very soon specific to larger screens.

Update 11/02/11:
The current version of XiiaLive allows it to stretch much better on multiple device screens.  However its not perfect for tablets but it makes use of the bigger screen a lot better.  We are looking forward to be able to create the tablet version in the near future.

I have an Advent Vega tablet which is 1024x600, the display has the following problems (note, I only use landscape):

1) Lots of wasted space!
2) The Artist / Trackname is a small one inch square so obviously this scrolls all the time (moving the timer button down and stretching the artist/track info would fix this)
3) Still, lots of scrolling for stream name and artist/track info. As there is plenty of space, it would be nice to have a multi-line display rather than rely on scrolling.
4) Album art would be a very nice to have!

I have uploaded a screenshot to demonstrate the issue:

I look forward to any updates you can provide, hopefully with some hi-res/tablet optimisations.

Thanks for the great feedback! Yes, that looks horrible! We want to add a better layout for that very soon. It a matter of how fast our part-time graphic designer can pull off a design for tablets. For sure we do have this in our plans, and would like it to be out during spring in the USA.

Just got a Eee Transformer Tablet myself and wanted to leave some feedback.  While the app could make better use of the screen area what I would presonally appreciat more would be a Tablet/HD widget that would give full functionality of the widget on the homepage.  Including volume adjustment, play/pause/next/previous, tagging, and streaming/track information all on one concise widget.

Thanks for all the hard work!

Thanks for your feedback! :) I think it's a great idea! 

We currently don't have the screen resolution support on the latest version of xiialive. On the next update we will put a temporary fix for allowing the app to go fullscreen. We like to provide a layout very soon specific to larger screens.

Update 11/02/11:
The current version of XiiaLive allows it to stretch much better on multiple device screens.  However its not perfect for tablets but it makes use of the bigger screen a lot better.  We are looking forward to be able to create the tablet version in the near future.