
choose bit rate

Franz Camenzind 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 3

since latest upgrade can not change bit rate anymore.Why?.



In order to change the filters swipe down on the menu bar to get the dropdown menu. This menu will provide you with a few options.

Please see the following image:


I assume you want to change the bitrate of the search results correct? If that's the case simply go to the list of stations that you want and swipe down on the top menu bar. You will get a few options there :). One of those options "Search bitrate".  Hope that helps!

not sure what you telling me. is this option only available in the Pro version?I  live in a slow internet conection area.At times, can not stream wit 128 bits.. with the old version ,it was very easy to choose a lower bitrate and then search for the available station. Thank you for your answer.

Please see the updated answer. Thanks!


In order to change the filters swipe down on the menu bar to get the dropdown menu. This menu will provide you with a few options.

Please see the following image:


thank you so much Jona. will need to buy the Pro version. happy to do so!