
Add option to send song info via AVRCP 1.3 on CM roms

Charlie Su 13 лет назад обновлен Jona (Lead Developer) 12 лет назад 25
Since CyanogenMod 7/9 supports AVRCP 1.3, it would be nice if XiiaLive can make use of it to send playback status/song info (if song info are missing then send station name).

I believe this is used mostly on cars where the head unit displays what you're currently playing on your phone via BT A2DP. PlayerPro recently added this feature as well so I'm pretty sure it's doable.

Thanks again for this great player!



AVRCP 1.3 metadata supported on latest release v3.0.1.

Thanks for the request! Do you have any details about the custom ROM APIs to use for supporting  AVRCP 1.3? Sorry if I'm a little too technical...  If you don't know I'll try to do some investigation once I get a little free time... :)

Thank you soooooo much. It is working fine !!!

Tested on samsung galaxy s2 + Toyota Yaris Hybride Car Player

But like Philip, the bluetooth controls aren't working (because it's free version?). I'm now waiting for an update of the pro version as I already purchased the app :)

What you could do to make this feature even more complete, is the possibility to add album art. Yeah I know we are always asking for more :D

What about a jpg link to a local picture on sd card ?

Thanks again

This would be AMAZING if added, I am already on paid version of XiiaLive but i will even pay extra if this was added. Would love to see it happen. 
Thanks in advance.

 any news on this ? I really need it for my car

pleeeease :)


Yep! I seem to have found a way to do this! I'm trying to get a hold of a BT stereo that supports AVRCP 1.3 :)  Hopefully I do this week and confirm my changes so that it is part of next update. Crossing my finger! :P

Are you going to support just CM roms or is this a more general fix?  (Hoping for the latter!)  If it's a general fix, I can test it with my car! :)


Just took a trip to a local best buy store and tested this new change and it worked with Android 4.0 Samsung Galaxy S II. I'm sure this will work on any device that supports AVRCP 1.3.  I'll try to see if I can build a sample apk and load on this forum.

This is GREAT news, been waiting for it, I would be glad to help test it if you like.

thanks for the great app.

Oops... didn't realize there's a comment section in here...

Thanks Jona for all the hard work! I'd be happy help with testing if needed.


Here is a sample apk file with AVRCP 1.3 metadata supported.  Let me know how it works out for you.


Tried this version out at lunch.  It worked perfect with my 2012 Civic and my Verizon Samsung Galaxy S3.  (The "next" bluetooth control didn't work, but I assume that's because it's not the Pro version.)  I can't wait for the next release!  Thanks!!!

Just tried it from my end as well and it's working well! Metadata displays and updates correctly.

Stereo- Stock subaru head unit (Clarion CP435L1)

Phone- Nexus One with unofficial CM9


THANKSSSSSS working GREAT here as well. cant wait for the pro to hit the market.

been checking the market everyday, do you think its going to hit the pro version soon ?


I was hoping to release sooner but just a few new things has kept me from doing so.  I hope the update can be released in the next week or so.


Sorry dont mean to bitch so much, but any update on this? i totally love this feature the only thing missing now is all my Pro features ! thank you so much again for doing this.

No problem. I'm still trying to finish up the release. I'm just trying to be very careful not to release untested and clunky code :P  It's a flaw I have and tends to make this a bit slower than I always predict! :( Sorryyyyy..... :/ 

first of all thank you so much for all the time you spend on it, Totally understand please take your time, just wondering, i will be doing tons of driving during Xmas holidays, you think you can get it compiled by then? that would wonderful if possible.


I believe I'm almost there and most likely release by the end of this month.

 Hi Jonas,

I've tested the new Xiialive pro with the AVRCP suport. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. Your beta was working good so I think something is now broken.

I'll give it another try later today


Weird... Yeah, please make sure you installed the latest and try again... I already got reports of AVRCP working. If it worked before I think we should be able to get it working again :)

Sorry ... My fault
Rebooted the phone and now it's working
Thanks again


Thank you Jona all working great now with pro. appreciate all the effort.

pim its working fine for me , i would re-install the app.



AVRCP 1.3 metadata supported on latest release v3.0.1.

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