
HTC EVO 4G after upgrade to Android 2.3.3 is slow to connect

Troutcacher 14 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 2
Just upgraded HTC EVO 4G to Android 2.3.3,  My XiiaLive app is now extremely slow to connect to a stream.  It now requires in excess of 45 sec to connect when prior to the upgrade was just a few seconds.  XiiaLive shows buffering at about 75% during the time it is attempting to connect.  It finally does connect and than seems to play with no issues.


The slow stream start is do to some changes on the Android Media framework, go figures... :(  In any case that is why we are working to make our own "Internal stream engine" our default.  Please try installing XiiaLive Beta from the Android Market.  This contains many changes and fixes for both Android stream engine and our own Internal stream engine.

Update 11/02/11:
Using the Internal stream engine is the main solution if this issue is encountered on some phones.  The new versions of Android OS have officially added this issue.  On some phones is not a problem while on others it is...
Yes I've noticed the slow to connect as well.  I reset the HTTP settings after the Gingerbread update just like after the Froyo but it didn't seem to help.  It seems to hang at 99% buffer for a long time before connecting.  It also tends to drop connection more.  Using the internal stream engine option makes the connection faster but it drops more often, also there is no stream data displayed when using the internal engine.
I'm running 2.34 BAMF on a my Thunderbolt and having the same problem. If I roll back, it's fine...

Yes, the native client is slightly faster, but the UI and connection quality are still garbage...
I know this isn't code-red.. But it still painful to go from instant switching to 30-45 seconds between connections... And buffering at 99% instantly.. :(
Love your App! Great work!


The slow stream start is do to some changes on the Android Media framework, go figures... :(  In any case that is why we are working to make our own "Internal stream engine" our default.  Please try installing XiiaLive Beta from the Android Market.  This contains many changes and fixes for both Android stream engine and our own Internal stream engine.

Update 11/02/11:
Using the Internal stream engine is the main solution if this issue is encountered on some phones.  The new versions of Android OS have officially added this issue.  On some phones is not a problem while on others it is...