
After BT disconnection app persists in background consuming traffic

Morta Della 10 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 9 years ago 4
This may be a duplicate of "Stream doesn't stop correctly after bluetooth disconnect" but my request is a bit different.
My plan has some traffic limit, and the "overdraft" is expensive.
I use the app in my car. When I turn the engine off, app stops playing but some sort of widget is present  in notification area. Traffic control shows me that XiiaLive continues to consume data. This ends only when I touch the closing "X" control on notification widget.
Looks like app is continuously buffering data in order to resume playback without re-connection. This may be nice, but not in limited networks.
This looks like a bug for me.
Phone is Sony Xperia E3. I cannot tell you the application version, as I found no place where it is shown) Installed from Google market 18-march-2015, Pro version. 


Hey guys, I think the potential issue here is that the bluetooth device seems to be sending a pause playback event to XiiaLive. This causes XiiaLive to be in the paused state. While on the paused state XiiaLive will continue to download the live radio content. Playback must be stopped by pressing the stop button on the player or using the X button on the notifications widget.

A quick solution to this issue and keep things easy to use, is to set up a bluetooth trigger to stop playback when bluetooth disconnects.

Here is how to do that.
Actually, stopping widget won't help neither. Traffic is still leaking. trying to suppress background traffic from Android system settings..
I can confirm this too on Lollipop. Unless I go and press stop, the stream persists although the music actually seems to stop.
My Android version is 4.4.4. 
Disabling background transfer stops the leakage, but app is not functioning when screen is locked(( so this is not a workaround for me.
By the way, TuneIn behaves in the same odd manner. However some less-known radio tuners dont.
Hey guys, I think the potential issue here is that the bluetooth device seems to be sending a pause playback event to XiiaLive. This causes XiiaLive to be in the paused state. While on the paused state XiiaLive will continue to download the live radio content. Playback must be stopped by pressing the stop button on the player or using the X button on the notifications widget.

A quick solution to this issue and keep things easy to use, is to set up a bluetooth trigger to stop playback when bluetooth disconnects.

Here is how to do that.