
Bluetooth audio streaming (A2DP) + Gingerbread = sound drops and/or stutters

Marco Santambrogio 14 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago 4
HTC Desire HD 2.3.3 Gingerbread and Parrot Mki9000 SW ver. 1.83 (also tested on a Peugeot Blutooth car kit). When i listening streaming music via bluetooth (A2DP) every 3-5 minutes I hear an audio stuck less than half second, after it continues normally. No interference, i think a bug software. With my old Acer Liquid 2.2 Froyo and the same car kit hands free, the streaming via bluetooth worked ok!
I found a conversation about this issue (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=15189&q=ad2p&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20Stars)

- Someone
has the same problem with Gingerbread?


Great info! Have you tried playing local mp3s to check if it's possibly an Android bug?
Yes! The problem occurs even play MP3 from SD memory, and watching video from YouTube (via bluetooth A2DP). It works correctly if I listen to music from the speaker or wire headphone.
The issue seems not to affect voice calls via the bluetooth.
Thanks for the info.  I'm guessing this might than be phone issue...  I'll keep an eye on this issue... Thanks for the link and information about this, I was not aware.

the problem was solved with the last firmware update by HTC (2.50.405.2)

Perfect! Thanks for letting us know! :) 

Great info! Have you tried playing local mp3s to check if it's possibly an Android bug?