
Local mp3 files playing

Sim120 12 year бұрын updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 year бұрын 1

Does any xiialive version support the function of regular mp3-player and play local mp3 files now?



Currently we don't support local file playback. But it is something we would like to add very soon!  

Do you want XiiaLive to just play local files? Or would you like XiiaLive to show you a list of your device local music?


Currently we don't support local file playback. But it is something we would like to add very soon!  

Do you want XiiaLive to just play local files? Or would you like XiiaLive to show you a list of your device local music?

Whatever what'll be sooner to use it with your decrease volume sleeptimer and increase volume wakeuper, thanks.