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why don't playing adress

vla krasnikov 12 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому 3


Є відповідь

I have tried your link on our devices and it's working. Could you provide us with a little more information?

1. What device do you have and what version of Android is it running?

2. What is the exact error you are seeing?

Under review

I have tried your link on our devices and it's working. Could you provide us with a little more information?

1. What device do you have and what version of Android is it running?

2. What is the exact error you are seeing?

1 SonyXperia go (ST27i) Android 4.0.4 build number 6.1.1.B 1.10

2 request not found

Are you having issues adding the URL to your favorites via the Add URL Wizard?

Can you try pasting the URL link on the Android browser? That should make Android show XiiaLive as an option to play it.

Via the Android browser XiiaLive playing ! Thanks for the help.

Є відповідь

I have tried your link on our devices and it's working. Could you provide us with a little more information?

1. What device do you have and what version of Android is it running?

2. What is the exact error you are seeing?