
Send tags to email

Jonatas Andrade 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago 7

The iphone has a similar program called Tunemark where the songs saved as favorites (Tunemarked) can be shared on Twitter, Facebook or the entire play list can be sent by email, if we want to download them later.

That is, it would be a good thing if the songs saved in the tags could be mailed. There is that possibility in the future?



Currently you can do this. It's a bit hidden...

1. Go to favorites and select the tags tab. 

2. Long press the menu bar favorites button.

3. Select Share all.

4. Pick email


Currently you can do this. It's a bit hidden...

1. Go to favorites and select the tags tab. 

2. Long press the menu bar favorites button.

3. Select Share all.

4. Pick email

This does not work anymore. It used to work, but in latest version I long-press (favorites, songs tab) and nothing happens.
Hey, I just verified and it is working. Are you using XiiaLive on Android or iOS? Currently iOS doesn't have this feature.
I am on Android. When I long press on Favorites, it only shows a pop-up when I am in the Favorites/Stations tab. If I select Favorites/Songs and then long-press Favorites, then nothing pops up.


Actually, now that I try it yet again, it works. The bottom part of the Favorites is "ribbed". It works if I press just above the word "Favorites", but does not work when I press straight on the word, or just below it (all within the area of the button). So the trick is to remember that we need to press in a particular area of the button. Not very intuitive, but I agree that it works!

Thanks for the quick reply.
Good catch! This is a bug and I'll fix it. For sure I see it being an issue. Thanks for confirming! :)
There is the possibility of developing the program for the iPhone in the future? If not, the reason is you do not like the Apple platform? You would sell a lot!!
XiiaLive is now available on iTunes! :)