
Social Crime Radio Network not on XiiaLive?

Abrahán de la Rosa 14 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago 3
Okay the Social Crime Radio Network is on in Shoutcast, but not on xiia. Maybe you guys got to jiggle a cord or throw a penny in the breaker or sompin? Joking aside i would like to hear this station again. Love the app otherwise.


I just searched on the phone for this particular radio station and it did show. I would suggest trying again. I have tried with the first letter as upper case and it didn't find the station but when searching all lower case the station did show up. I"ll investigate why this is happening...
I tried again in the evening and it was working thanks love this app
Great! Thanks for letting us know!
I just searched on the phone for this particular radio station and it did show. I would suggest trying again. I have tried with the first letter as upper case and it didn't find the station but when searching all lower case the station did show up. I"ll investigate why this is happening...
I really like this app..But I really wish I could listen to flyfm!!! :(((