cyrillic stations names
I put the station name in cyrillic letters myself, in "Sender ändern/Name" (in english perhaps: Favorites/LONG PRESS/Modify/"Change station" page/"Name" field). But it doesn't display that name in the Player window. It keeps displaying the original file name, as ascii, from the m3uFor station names in latin letters, the station is displayed exactly as I have modified it. Version is paid, Android 4.1.
(It happens for 2 stations, one was originally cyrillic utf8 file name, making strange ascii, one was originally file name in latin letters and displays as such)
That's the name I set myself, t=
<station dc="1381285569315" pc="6" scb="192" scm="audio/mpeg" sc="" sm="application/pls-id" su="1383556" e="UTF-8" c="rus" t="Радио "Комсомальская правда" в Москве - 97,2FM - fm.kp.ru"/>

It generally does not display the station name I entered in Favorites, but the station name received over the stream. With kyrillic this goes awray,with Komsomolskaya pravda. With latin letter stations, it could be disturbing. Maybe both, the favorites station name, and the streamed station name, can be shown, as both are relevant.
Yes, Xiialive is wonderful program.

Shoutcast number (shows as URL in favorites) is 1383556, Android is 4.1, device is MITech (Actions) P703. Coding is seemingly UTF-8.

Thanks for the image. It helped! I was able to resolve the issue but on our latest stream engine. The fix will possibly be released next month... I hope you can wait till then for the fix. Thanks!

Thanks for the details about this issue. I'll take a look and see what is going on. Thanks!

Thanks for the details about this issue. I'll take a look and see what is going on. Thanks!

This should be working correctly with FFMPEG stream engine.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This should be working correctly with FFMPEG stream engine.