
Is XiiaLive compatible with Sony Google TV player?

tr159 vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jona (Lead Developer) vor 12 Jahren 4

I am considering buying a Sony Google TV player and wondererd if XiiaLive would work with it. If not would there be plans to release a compatable version?


XiiaLive should be compatible with Google Tv.  However the layout of the app hasn't been optimized for the TV yet.  If you download the beta version from Google Play Market it should look a lot nicer and work also a lot better.  

Do we have plans to really support Google TV? 
XiiaLive should be compatible with Google Tv.  However the layout of the app hasn't been optimized for the TV yet.  If you download the beta version from Google Play Market it should look a lot nicer and work also a lot better.
Do we have plans to really support Google TV? 
XiiaLive should be compatible with Google Tv.  However the layout of the app hasn't been optimized for the TV yet.  If you download the beta version from Google Play Market it should look a lot nicer and work also a lot better.  

Do we have plans to really support Google TV? 

So, I did a lot of testing during the XiiaLive beta period by doing some APK transplants between my Galaxy Nexus and Sony Google TV Blu-Ray Disc Player (since it wasn't/isn't available in the Play Store for the Google TV), and I have found that the beta version of XiiaLive works *flawlessly* on the Google TV. (In fact, I'm listening to K-LOVE on it right now as I type this.)

My only problem is, now that the beta period is over and Android 4.1 started encrypting the APKs for paid apps, I can no longer update the application on my Google TV, so I get the "beta period is over, you should update" (paraphrased) message every time I open XiiaLive on my gTV.

Is there any way you can go ahead and enable XiiaLive for the Google TV on the Play Store?

I have to upload a new version in order to enable GoogleTv.  I'll try doing that this month. I meant to do it on the last update but there where some issues that required a quick update.

Sounds good! In the meantime, is there any way you can securely send me the XiiaLive Pro APK so I can update my Google TV? If you PM me, I can send you my email address or Facebook link.

Sorry took thing long to reply! Got lost in the mist of posts! :'(  I want to upload on GooglePlay GTV support.  I have set a note to do so on this next update. The only deal is that our player isn't really ready for TV but it should work...  In regards to sending you the apk of PRO I really can't :/