
Streaming problem

possetti 14 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jona (Lead Developer) 13 aastat tagasi 7
Streaming stops working after 17 minutes most of the times on android 1.5. After the stop it buffers but never leaves this state.



Could you try to reproduce the issue and when it happens immediately capture the logs from your phone? To capture the logs is very easy. Just download "Log Collector" from the android market and run it when you reproduce the issue. It will prepare an email and just send it to us. Thanks!

Update 05/20/11:

- v2.1.9 is out this issue should be resolved... Please confirm.

forgot to mention, xiia version : 2.1.5
Could you let us know if this same issue is happening with latest update v2.1.7? Thanks!

Yes, it also happens with v2.1.7


I also noticed that:


When streaming bitrate is 128 kbps and 44 khz , the xiia application stop playing after exactly 17 minutes.


When streaming bitrate is 32 kbps ans 22 khz, the xiia application stop playing after exactly 69 minutes.


Both cases its MPEG media format and the streaming stops playing and enter in a buffering state.


Please let me know if you need something else. I'll be glad to help.



Great details! Thanks! So you have Android 1.5 device, what is the phone model?

I assume the issue happens with any MPEG streams... 
Yes exactly. The issue happens with all MPEG streams. My phone model is Motorola i1 Iden technology.
@possetti are you still having issues?

Could you try to reproduce the issue and when it happens immediately capture the logs from your phone? To capture the logs is very easy. Just download "Log Collector" from the android market and run it when you reproduce the issue. It will prepare an email and just send it to us. Thanks!

Update 05/20/11:

- v2.1.9 is out this issue should be resolved... Please confirm.