Є відповідь

pleas add a Function to reconnect indefinitely

Stefenzo 14 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 13 років тому 0
pleas add a Function to reconnect indefinitely. So a Stream can replay after a dead zone of a couple of minutes automatical. Until now the Player give up after 5 try.


Є відповідь

Update 2.1.8v will have a better reconnecting logic.  If there is no network connection it will wait until network connection is available and it will retry to connect as opposed currently just trying continuously...

Update 06/02/11:

Update v2.1.9 has improved this area.  Better reconnection logic has been added, which will only try to reconnect if there is a valid connection, otherwise it waits until a valid connection is available.  Also, unlimited retry option has been added, please note this option is only available on the paid version.

Є відповідь

Update 2.1.8v will have a better reconnecting logic.  If there is no network connection it will wait until network connection is available and it will retry to connect as opposed currently just trying continuously...

Update 06/02/11:

Update v2.1.9 has improved this area.  Better reconnection logic has been added, which will only try to reconnect if there is a valid connection, otherwise it waits until a valid connection is available.  Also, unlimited retry option has been added, please note this option is only available on the paid version.