
Widget for Favorite auto-minimize

Julien Buffler 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jona (Lead Developer) 12 jaar geleden 1


I am actually using a car home with shortcut to XiiaLive.

I would like to get an optioon to simply start the radio without having the player showing.

Like that I can easily switch radio.





Just to make sure I understand your request:

You would like to have a widget that shows you your favorites and you can click them to start playback without having the app open?

Under review

Just to make sure I understand your request:

You would like to have a widget that shows you your favorites and you can click them to start playback without having the app open?


Just to make sure I understand your request:

You would like to have a widget that shows you your favorites and you can click them to start playback without having the app open?