
Use of bluetooth controls to skip through favorites on my car

MLDroid 12 ár síðan updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 12 ár síðan 2

Hi, i'm currently with the free version of the app for doing a evaluation before buying the Pro. Is it possible that the AVRCP bluetooth controls to skip through favorites stations doesn't work on the free version?  My phone is a Galaxy Nexus with Jelly Beam 4.1.1. I'm trying to use the skip track buttons on the wheel of my car (Toyota Prius C) while playing a station on a favorite list with 3 other stations :

If i press it quickly (like i would normally to change FM station from the car radio or track from a USB stick, Google Play Music, etc), the app doesn't respond at all. Then i noticed that if i press and keep it for about 2s the msg ::: connecting ::: and prebuffering appear on the phone with the notification sound hear but then instead to jump to next on the favorite list, the same streaming that's playing is just restarted. 

However, the play/pause button on the touch screen of the car radio is working fine.

These skip track buttons respond to other apps like Google Play Music and Just Playlists. I have check if none of these other apps was running on the background to avoid potential conflict. I have restarted the phone. Then I have installed Media Button Router and selected on it only XiiaLive to respond to AVRCP. And restarted the phone again. All without succes. 

So, is it a bug between XiaaLive and my car radio or just a limitation on the free version?




First, thanks for writing us about this! Second, sorry for not making this clear on our Market description. We will be improving our market description to explain more about the features.

Here is how things work.  Essentially long press Prev or Next buttons will skip to the items on the playlist.  A station usually has a few URL links in it's playlist in case one link is slow or there are just too many people connected to one URL.

In order to use the BT next/prev favorite you will need to get the Pro version.


First, thanks for writing us about this! Second, sorry for not making this clear on our Market description. We will be improving our market description to explain more about the features.

Here is how things work.  Essentially long press Prev or Next buttons will skip to the items on the playlist.  A station usually has a few URL links in it's playlist in case one link is slow or there are just too many people connected to one URL.

In order to use the BT next/prev favorite you will need to get the Pro version.

Thanks for the reply. 

What's confusing too is in SETTING > App control > Player next/prev: Favorites is selected and Playlist can't be selected on the free version. This option should have been in grey, right?

Anyways i'm buying your app! It isn't perfect, as at this stage there is room for improvements here and there and i would like to see some features that are missing. But your team seem active to make it better and seem open for feedback/new ideas, that's what make me decide to switch from TuneIn Radio Pro of which its dev seem frozen lately.

I have read on another post that you plan to add a Car Mode UI as TuneIn. I think you should more focus on exploiting the features that offers the Bluetooth spec. I mean, when i get in my car, i would like to leave my phone in my pocket and forget it during my ride. My car have all the controls needed with its steering buttons and its touch screen on the dash and i think this should be a extension of the user interface of the phone, and this is a trend right now with today most stock radio in cars and aftermarket radio with Bluetooth that offer the ability to do it. The possibility just need to be exploited! I think in the near futur more and more peoples will start to use their smartphone as their primary source to receive radio stations in their car because it does not consumme that much data usage as we might think and the data plan needed now cost equal or less than a subcription to XM or Sirius assuming you use data for other things. I don't really believe in infotainment system like Entune and Sync as they are right now because it's too closed and propritary. And i don't believe too in attaching a smartphone on the windshield because 1.it's urgly, 2.not user friendly and 3.it's as dangerous than texting if you ask me. Playing with a high glaze touchscreen trying to select something on a app while rolling on bumps on the highway is not evident at all!

BTW I have some great ideas for new features that i have already think that i will share here and i'm sure that you will find them interresting and surprising!


I think being gray would be better but we also intended for the user to see what option is available.

Bluetooth is not as easy since you need the bluetooth stack and we don't have access to that. We use some of the BT features because Android makes them available. :/

Car mode has been a bit delayed since we will focus now more on a better tablet and GoogleTv design.

Please do share your ideas. Send me an email if you like or post them on this forum. However I might take a little while to respond. I'm overwelmed with emails and work :P