
Add the Radio Station Name to the Tagging information

Paul Wright 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago 3
When I tag a song, I would also like it to include the name of the Radio Station. Later, that will give me a rough idea of what type of music it is, and where to go to get more information, or hear it again. While you're there, it would also be nice to have a field for adding my own notes about the song (genre, how much I liked it, who else I think might like it, and so on).


This feature request has been completed since release v3.0.0.
Great feedback! I'm pleased to let you know we already have a few of your requested options already completed and in the works... Please take a look at XiiaLive Beta from the Google Play Market.  We have added info about where the song played and also allows you to search for the song on youtube or a station that is playing it. Let me know what you think!
Great feedback! I'm pleased to let you know we already have a few of your requested options already completed and in the works... Please take a look at XiiaLive Beta from the Google Play Market.  We have added info about where the song played and also allows you to search for the song on youtube or a station that is playing it. Let me know what you think!
This feature request has been completed since release v3.0.0.