Under review

XiiaLive Lite auto-starts on certain events

Syph 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jona (Lead Developer) 13 jaar geleden 0
When performing certain tasks in android, the XiiaLive Lite app launches by itself...

Note: Media Controls are set to OFF

I've noticed one specific thing that guarantees the XiiaLive Lite app to launch; Plugging in the headset that came with my Galaxy S, followed by pressing the headset button (which starts the MP3 player). The app just runs in the background and only shows up in the "running app" list so its not that big of a burden, but I just figured it's not supposed to do this, hence my feedback :)


Under review
Thanks for your feedback! This is an interesting scenario.  I'll take a look and see if I can reproduce the issue.
Under review
Thanks for your feedback! This is an interesting scenario.  I'll take a look and see if I can reproduce the issue.