Under review

Search for the station name 50 32kpbs AAC 44.1kHz

rameshraybagkar 9 years ago updated by Ralph 9 years ago 1
  • I want to know the station name or URL of the above mention header station. For reference see the attachement. Image 145


Under review

Hello! Apologies for any delay in getting back to you. Can I please have you try to follow this suggested steps below for you to be able to check the station url.

  1. Look at the url shown under history.
  2. Play the station when the song playing updates wait a sec and go to settings tap on the song playing under history. This will search for stations playing that song. Most likely that station will popup under search

Hope this helps! Kindly let me know how it goes. Thank you!

Under review

Hello! Apologies for any delay in getting back to you. Can I please have you try to follow this suggested steps below for you to be able to check the station url.

  1. Look at the url shown under history.
  2. Play the station when the song playing updates wait a sec and go to settings tap on the song playing under history. This will search for stations playing that song. Most likely that station will popup under search

Hope this helps! Kindly let me know how it goes. Thank you!