
RTSP & MMS Protocols?

TurboNed hace 14 años actualizado por Giancarlo hace 9 años 6
Can you tell us when RTSP & MMS protocols will be available through XiiaLive application for Android Market, please?



We currently have something working but it's very very beta... Hopefully we can release beta support at ends of January. Hopefully sooner. Do you happen to have an RTSP url we can use for testing?

Update 05/18/11:

v2.1.8 now supports mms and mmsh.  Not sure if RTSP... you could give it a try.

Any updates on this one?

Also I had to use different Display Name from my previous one to be able to post here. Any ideas why is that?

Not sure why you couldn't post with your previous screen name. That's weird... Make sure you are logged in to the other user name...

In regards to the progress on this work... I'm still waiting from the developer to provide first beta version of the library...


We currently have something working but it's very very beta... Hopefully we can release beta support at ends of January. Hopefully sooner. Do you happen to have an RTSP url we can use for testing?

Update 05/18/11:

v2.1.8 now supports mms and mmsh.  Not sure if RTSP... you could give it a try.

Hello, how can i reproduce this link? mms://streaming.intoscana.it/wmtencoder/rtc.wma