Є відповідь

display station info in my car radio

Stefan Teske 12 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 12 років тому 0

Is there a way to get station id to sync with my car radio that is bluetooth compatible?


Є відповідь

The latest release of XiiaLive provides the ability to send AVRCP 1.3 metadata. Just make sure your care stereo bluetooth supports AVRCP 1.3.  You can also test by using the music player from Android to see if metadata info is sent.

Є відповідь

The latest release of XiiaLive provides the ability to send AVRCP 1.3 metadata. Just make sure your care stereo bluetooth supports AVRCP 1.3.  You can also test by using the music player from Android to see if metadata info is sent.