
Is xiialive still under development?

Philipp 6 years ago updated by hornetster 3 years ago 4


There are no updates for xiialive since very long time and the homepage is no longer reachable. 

Therefore, I think that xiialive will not be further developed and that the developers will let the project die.

Can anybody confirm this? I would be very sorry if it is so.

Although the player works great, I miss features like Android Auto support or the ability to sort the favorites list.

His last activity :-) https://support.xiialive.com/users/1-jona/topics/#module_3/page/1

I'm also waiting for an answer for a very loooong time :-)

Have faith... Pushbullet was a zombie app for a couple years then all of a sudden the dev decided to update it and seems to be at least halfassing it. Maybe the same will happen here.

unfortunately, looks like it's dead... Was a great app!