Persian Rap radio submission
Dear XiiaLive team,
We would like to be added to your list on the XiiaLive Radio Directory.
Here is the information requested for a submission:
• Station name: Persian Rap
• City/State/Country: Iran
• Language of broadcast: Persian
• Station type: Internet-Only
• Is station commercial-free?: Yes
• Station genre(s) for tuner: HipHop, Rap
• Station description: Playing Persian Rap from Iran
• E-Mail: persianrapfm@gmail.com
• Bitrate: 128kbit/s, MP3 Format
• Logo: https://i.ibb.co/V9BMPrK/logo-pr1400.jpg
• URL : http://stream.zeno.fm/edu18fr0xqzuv.m3u
Best regards,
Servicio de atención al cliente por UserEcho