Under review

Favorites goes to category list, doesn't display all by default

Jason Whiteley 14 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago 1

Hi - excellent program - the first i ever bought on the android market and i use it every day! Since the latest version 2.2.3 however, when i open xillia and press favorites it goes to the category list and i have to press on all before i can see my stations.

I prefer the previous format where all favorites are shown as soon as you press on favourites, THEN if you want you can tap on all and select a category.

In the next update could you PLEASE change this back or give us the option? It's very frustrating and now i wish i could roll back to a previous version of xillia!




Under review

This feature is currently the same as previous version.  You just press the category all and it should stay there.  The one thing we did change is that if you are inside a category such as All and you press the back key, it will take you up to the category list.  Than when you come back to favorites that's the list that will be shown.

If you think it is not working properly please explain how I can reproduce the issue. 

Under review

This feature is currently the same as previous version.  You just press the category all and it should stay there.  The one thing we did change is that if you are inside a category such as All and you press the back key, it will take you up to the category list.  Than when you come back to favorites that's the list that will be shown.

If you think it is not working properly please explain how I can reproduce the issue. 

Hi Jona - thanks for that - the problem for me on a Galaxy S is that the back key is how i exit the program the fastest.  So if i press all, which brings up my list, and then hold down the home key, press task manager and end all, then yes that does work - the next time i go into xillia and press favourites, my list is shown (instead of the categories).
How you can repeat the problem is by repeatedly pressing the back key to exit xillia - if you do that the category list is shown each time.
So if going to the task manager and ending the app is the only way to exit it to avoid this annoying issue, can a "red x" button or a close link be added to xillia? Pressing the left menu softkey for me does nothing in xillia (i thought it might be another way to exit the app without forcing it to end via task manager)