Hi Jona, XiiaLive is a great app however my favorite station of all is C89.5(a dance station) and it wont reconnect after trying for about 5seconds and all my other stations try for well over a couple of minutes..they are all the same MPEG where i live theres alot of black spots and its important for me that it keeps trying to reconnect for alot longer..Is it possible for you to update somthing at your end cos the rest of stations keep trying alot longer..I have an HTC Wildfire on 2.2 if thats any help..Also hope you can make the pre buffer alot longer than 30seconds aswell
Paul from UK

We are releasing next update with a bigger pre-buffer length of 60sec. Also, we will include on the paid version a little widget that helps you know what's going on with your internet speed and buffering percent.

Paul from UK

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