Media Service Disconnected
After upgrade the most of my favorites returns "media Service Disconnected"
Links are working fine from pc
Have tried to reinstall the app
Android 4.4.2
Links are working fine from pc
Have tried to reinstall the app
Android 4.4.2

Jona (Lead Developer) 11 років тому
Update v3.2.0.5 has been released with a fix. Thanks for confirming that the issue is resolved for you. :)

same problem, app still works from my htc phone and computer, but no longer works on galaxy tablet. all stations offer the "media service disconnected" error. A factory reset of the tablet failed to help the problem, so I have to assume it's the most recent update, since my htc phone did not get the update and still works with xiialive.

Does this issue happen with a particular URL you have or simply happens with the stations from the lists? If it is a specific station could you provide the URL? Thanks!

I Think its the new stream engine
try goto settings and change the stream engine to Android, and post the result here. It worked for me
try goto settings and change the stream engine to Android, and post the result here. It worked for me

The links you provided are producing the error but the main reason is that the file extension of the URLs is m3u and the URL is not a playlist. Simply remove .m3u from the end of the URLs and it should work.

I have the same issue, Links work on scanner radio but not on xiia live pro. Stream engine is android

Under review
Which links work? The ones Bennyn posted? Please let me know which station you are having issues with. Thanks!

Yeah it appears to not like the extension m3u. Added manually the link worked fine with the m3u at the end

I have some problems as well:
On my radiosite m.sergioschaart/radio.php some links stopped working. All streams from NPO and BBC
(except world) as well as Pinguin Radio, Radio 10, Veronica/SkyRadio/ClasscFM, Hardcore Radio, Sublime FM, qmusic, NME, 192 and some others. The error given is: Media service disconnected
working: WDR , Radio Skipper, BNR, Hardcore Power Radio,Studio Brussel, Jamm FM, Decibel, Zeilsteen, extragold, Fresh FM and maybe others.
Hope this will help you to solve the problem.
Tested on desire-z with android 4.4.2.
In version 3.1.x all streams worked normally
On my radiosite m.sergioschaart/radio.php some links stopped working. All streams from NPO and BBC
(except world) as well as Pinguin Radio, Radio 10, Veronica/SkyRadio/ClasscFM, Hardcore Radio, Sublime FM, qmusic, NME, 192 and some others. The error given is: Media service disconnected
working: WDR , Radio Skipper, BNR, Hardcore Power Radio,Studio Brussel, Jamm FM, Decibel, Zeilsteen, extragold, Fresh FM and maybe others.
Hope this will help you to solve the problem.
Tested on desire-z with android 4.4.2.
In version 3.1.x all streams worked normally

Okay. I found something else. When I open stream link it asks for an
application. I say xiia and get the error. Instead this time I say
Firefox and it's asks again what player. I say xiia again and it works
without modifying url. This only started yesterday.
application. I say xiia and get the error. Instead this time I say
Firefox and it's asks again what player. I say xiia again and it works
without modifying url. This only started yesterday.

Hey guys! Good news... Found the bug! I'm really hoping to release today. Thanks for your awesome help!

Update v3.2.0.5 has been released with a fix. Thanks for confirming that the issue is resolved for you. :)
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