Not a bug

Searched title of station and when click starts a different similar station?

Cacoteo Puntocom 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jona (Lead Developer) 11 jaar geleden 0

Hi Xiia Live,

I constantly promote my station Cacoteo.com on a daily basis via your app and our twitter profile.  The problem is that as of lately, anytime a user searches our station as Cacoteo, our 3 stations show up as a result but when we click on the Reggaeton station which should point to http://cacoteo.com:7000 , it instead redirects to another station at this address .  In other words, all our users are being redirected to another station via the search results.  Please help us fix this so that we can continue to use your great application.


Cacoteo Radio



Not a bug

Thanks so much for your support and reffering your users to our app!  

I just checked your stations and I do see the issue with one of the stations. I did see a similar issue with other stations and it seems to be an issue with the SHOUTcast tools. 


Please see the following post related to your issue.



Hope it helps!

Not a bug

Thanks so much for your support and reffering your users to our app!  

I just checked your stations and I do see the issue with on of the stations. I did see a similar issue with other stations and it seems to be an issue with the SHOUTcast tools. 


Please see the following post related to your issue.



Hope it helps!

Not a bug

Thanks so much for your support and reffering your users to our app!  

I just checked your stations and I do see the issue with one of the stations. I did see a similar issue with other stations and it seems to be an issue with the SHOUTcast tools. 


Please see the following post related to your issue.



Hope it helps!